Learning to comprehend and produce singular they
The results sections for this dissertation were written using Quarto, then after finishing, I decided to add the rest of the dissertation text to learn how to make a Quarto book, because I’m the type of person who finds playing with new coding and typesetting tools fun.
The Github repository also includes the de-identified data, code for the statistical analyses and plots, and most of the study materials. If you’re interested in using materials that aren’t uploaded here, like edited images or audio files, send me an email. If you’re interested in building off this data, please get in touch with me and Sarah Brown-Schmidt—we’re both excited about pronoun research and open science!
- My advisor at Vanderbilt, Sarah Brown-Schmidt.
- My other committee members, joint lab meeting people, and attendees at HSP and LSA, for feedback that made my thinking and presentation clearer.
- Morrigan Dunlap-Loomis, who contributed to annotating data for Experiment 3 and collecting data for Experiment 4.
- This material is based upon work supported by a National Science Foundation under Grant #2214299 (Linguistics DDRI program). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
- In addition to NSF Linguistics, this research was also supported by small grants programs of the Vanderbilt LGBT Policy Lab and the Peabody Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.
Open-source software:
- All of the statistical analyses and plots were created with R (package citations).
- This text is written and published using Quarto.
- Several of the experiments were coded and hosted with PCIbex.
The official dissertation document is available open-access in the Vanderbilt database and with institutional access in the ProQuest database.
author = {Gardner, Bethany},
date = {2023},
title = {Learning to comprehend and produce singular \emph{they} (Publication No. 30722219)},
type = {Doctoral dissertation},
publisher = {Vanderbilt University},
archive = {ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global},
url = {http://hdl.handle.net/1803/18385}
Gardner, B. 2023. Learning to comprehend and produce singular they (Publication No. 30722219)
[Doctoral dissertation, Vanderbilt University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.